AP Information
Taking the Advanced Placement exams is an important part of all AP courses. Combs High School desires that all students take AP exams for the AP classes that they are taking, as scoring well can often earn students college credit, saving a significant amount on tuition.
Parents and students can see how AP test scores are applied at all Arizona public community colleges and universities through www.aztransfer.com. Simply click on tools, exam equivalency guide, enter the exam type, name, and college, and view the results. Private university and out of state college information can be found on the College Board webpage.
The cost of AP exams varies each year but payment plans are possible, and there is a per test discount for students who receive free or reduced lunches.
Registration through College Board and test ordering takes place during semester 1, and tests are taken in May with results being released during the summer months.
If you have additional questions regarding AP classes and/or testing, please contact Jolene Petersen at jpetersen@jocombs.org or stop by room 539 for more information.