College and Career Readiness
Quarterly classroom guidance activities with students are developed around the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) standards with a focus on meaningful discussion involving college and career readiness. All classroom guidance activities touch upon academic, career or personal/social development.
Education & Career Action Plan (ECAP)
College and Career Readiness
Guidance, Experiences, Assessments
Education and Career Action Planning (ECAP) drives all aspects of a student's day at Combs High School. An individual ECAP for a student involves 4 components: academic planning, post-secondary education goal setting, career path goal setting and documentation of extra-curricular activities.
Students benefit from advisement on deciding which courses taken in high school best prepare them for their paths after graduation. Activities at school and conversations with trusted adults help to shape the post-secondary education path a student chooses. Career goals can be developed through experiences within electives and core content classes. Students are encouraged to participate in the extra-curricular activities that best fit their personal interests and talents. Combs High School wants to see leaders both in the classroom and the community.
The CHS counseling staff provides quarterly classroom guidance to all students on topics directly tied to education and career action planning. We strive to support the development of college and career-ready students.
CHS supports MajorClarity as a student's online portfolio to capture their ECAP. CHS counselors collect a projected ECAP from juniors in the spring to help guide conversations during the senior year.