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Technology Equipment Repair/Replacement Agreement (TERRA)

As part of our 1:1 Technology Initiative, a parent/guardian now has the option to enroll in our Technology Equipment Repair/Replacement Agreement (TERRA).

  • Enrollment in the agreement is optional and is valid for the current school year.
  • Minimizes the potential repair and/or replacement parent/student paid costs associated with a damaged device.
  • The optional TERRA must be renewed each school year for continued coverage.
  • By selecting this program, a parent/guardian agrees to pay an annual TERRA enrollment fee of $50.
  • If a device becomes damaged, the student will take it to the school technology department or school front office for assessment and repair.

What is covered under the Agreement?

  • Accidental damage, such as cracked screens or cases, broken keyboards, etc.
  • Battery replacement (if it is determined that the battery is malfunctioning)
  • Replacement of stolen device. (If the device is stolen, a police report must be filed within 48 hours. A copy of the report must be sent to the school’s front office.)
  • Hardware issues (video cable, broken ports, speakers, etc.)

Parents/Students would be responsible for the following costs of a damaged device:



Opt-Out Cost

Device - 1st Incident



Device – Additional Incident









Charger (malfunction)



Charger (lost / stolen replacement)-1st Incident



Charger (lost /stolen replacement) –Additional Incident



 Intentional damage to the device is NOT covered under the agreement.

Parents/Students that choose to opt-out of the optional TERRA would be responsible for all costs associated with the damaged devices.  The following prices are estimates, as exact costs for each repair will be made upon further inspection of the damaged device. 

Stolen Equipment

If the device is stolen while at school, the incident must be reported by the student to their teacher or front office within 24 hours. If the device is stolen outside of school, a parent/guardian must file a police report within 48 hours. A copy of the report must be turned in to the school principal. Enrollment in TERRA does not begin until the annual $50 payment has been received.

How to Opt-In to TERRA

Parents who choose to participate in TERRA will select the Terra Opt-In option during online registration.

  • Participation provides reduced costs for any repair or replacement of a damaged device or accessory.
  • Students will return their device at promotion, withdrawal, or at the end of the school year in which a TERRA Opt-Out option is selected.

How to Opt-Out of TERRA

Parents who choose not to participate will select the TERRA Opt-Out option during online registration.   

  • Parents will be responsible for 100% of all repair and replacement costs associated with the device issued to their student.
  • Students must return their device at the end of each school year, withdraw, or change to an Opt-In Terra status. Devices will be checked out at the beginning of the next school year.

TERRA Opt-Out Form